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My Body…A Love Story

Happy Valentine’s Day, you magical gift!

I know that this day can seem like it’s only about the “lovers” out there…when I was single, I used to sorta torture myself because of that. I would find myself buying right into that and feeling sorry for myself because I was “alone.”

Looking back, I wish I could go back in time and have a good chat with myself. I would certainly have pulled myself out of my pity party and celebrated all the love that was already in my life.

Especially the one love that has never forsaken me, despite the way I treated my companion, the horrible things I said, and the way I always wished my companion would just be different already.

That companion was and still is my Body.

This Body, from whom I withheld food, always told Her she wasn’t quite good enough, or overfed. The partner that I pushed too hard, who’s insight and wisdom I failed to listen to and value.

This Body, for which I put Her health to the side because I thought what I wanted was way more important…sometimes that meant wanting Her to look different as fast as possible and sometimes that meant feeding her things that didn’t let her flourish, things that were downright toxic for her. Sometimes it meant not giving Her time to play, move, have pleasure.

It was selfish and unloving in the deepest way possible.

I had failed to see just how magical my Body was. I failed to appreciate all the things She did for me on a daily basis, like give me arms to wrap around those I love, strong legs to travel and explore, a mind that can create and ponder, and all the senses which allow me to take in the world around me.

And that’s just to name a few of her miraculous gifts.

If I were to tell you all that my partner has done for me, I would probably need a lifetime.

I feel sad to think of all the time I wasted not loving my partner as fully as She loved me. I should have met her where she was at, and if we were going to grow and become an even healthier union, we would have to do it together from a loving place, not from a place where I was always rejecting Her.

Many times, I waited for someone else to validate my partner before I would….how crazy.

But even through all that, even though I put my partner down for many years and made her feel unsafe and unloved, She stood by me. She never gave up on me.

And over time, I got it. I started really loving Her.

I made a very conscious choice that the way we had been in relationship was not going to work anymore. In truth She had been loving me unconditionally, while I only seemed to love my partner when I felt like I was getting what I wanted.

I made a choice to love unconditionally and make my partner happy and healthy…and make our relationship happy and healthy too.

Though I regret the time I lost rejecting my partner, of not really listening to my partner’s cries for help, healing, and attention through the doorway of Unwanted Symptoms (weight-gain, digestion issues, irregular periods, constant colds, fatigue, migraines..just to name a few), I realize that it actually got us where we are now…

And for that, I would never take a moment back.

So I want to publicly declare that I love my partner, my companion, my Body so deeply. And I promise to never forsake Her again.

It is wonderful to have my sweet Michael in my life, but now I see I was never alone at all. I was always chosen and loved…it just took me some time to love my partner, my Body, back.

And the more I honor that primary relationship, the more love that I can allow into my life.

On this day built for love, take some time to acknowledge and give thanks to your partner, your Body and give Her or Him some serious love.

Perhaps write your Body a love letter, one filled with appreciation and perhaps, even choosing to move away from seeing what is wrong with Her/Him and acknowledging all that is right. Maybe now would even be a good time for a heartfelt apology…I promise your partner will greet it with open arms and unconditional love, just as She/He always had.

Make today the beginning of doing right by your partner in the truest sense.

I promise, you will never regret it.

I’d love for to share any insight this gave you, so feel free to share them in the comments section below.

Sending you and your Body so much love,

P.S. I’d love for to share any insight this gave you, so feel free to share them in the comments section below. xoxo

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