Ignite Your Passionate Practice

Calling all dedicated,emerging Coaches/Holistic Practitioners …. Perhaps you are a recent grad or are just at the beginning stages of starting to see clients…or maybe you haven’t even trained formally as a coach, but you know you want to become one. Maybe you aren’t exactly sure how to merge all your talents and gifts into a coaching practice/business that really feels like you. You just know you are full of knowledge, excitement, and ready to take on the world…ready to make it a happier and healthier place and share your gifts. But are you fully prepared to make your dreams a reality?

Here’s the unglamorous truth:

Your nutrition or coach training program may have taught you tons about nutrition or theory, but when it comes to coaching and building your coaching practice, especially in the delicate first 6-12 months after graduation or very beginning stages, you are probably ill-equipped with outdated models that quite frankly make your work that much harder OR may not even be sure where to get started.

And even with the best group training programs, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed, to not implement, and to get stuck in the “look what everybody else is doing” trap…no bueno!

What happened after I graduated?

I can remember it like it was yesterday..I was totally stoked on graduating and couldn’t wait to start coaching. But that excitement quickly turned to frustration.

It became uber clear that I didn’t have a game plan, I wasn’t very confident at coaching my clients, and I felt lost about how to actually build a practice that would make me the income I desired. I floated for months before I got direction on what to do to lay a rock solid foundation to build a practice that actually worked. I spent well over $20K on a variety of programs and trainings to give me the steps I needed to build the practice I was longing to create. And even with all that information, it felt a bit overwhelming to decide what to focus on first.

Most of all, I wished I had a mentor to hold my hand through the process, kick my butt when I needed it, and hold a greater vision for me when I got stuck. Things would have moved a lot faster and easier had I had that!

I want more for you and want to give you the necessary tools and support to build your coaching practice with confidence, passion, and complete support every step of the way.

That’s why I created the Ignite Your Passionate Practice- The Elite Mentoring Experience. It’s the perfect “rock solid foundation, hit the ground running” 6-month training program that will take your passion for coaching from dream to reality.

This program is perfect if you are just at the very beginning stages of building your coaching practice and want to excel quickly and efficiently, with less struggle and stress. It’s designed to give and allow you to master the fundamentals of building a successful coaching practice first and foremost and stop running in circles trying to figure out what to do next. It gets right to the heart of what you need NOW to build a thriving practice on solid ground.

The Ignite Your Passionate Practice Mentoring Experience will show you how to (and give):

  • Have clarity around your company’s message and your purpose, and gain invaluable coaching skills.
  • Attract IDEAL clients you love (and love you back)
  • Enroll clients with confidence, ease, and a non “salesy” vibe
  • Create programs, products, and services that come from the heart and make a difference in the lives of others.
  • Create and deliver teleseminars, group programs and more
  • Refine your “target market” to make your website, programs, and enrollment opportunities glow and come through with heart and ease
  • Reframe your current money story and mindset so you can raise your fees and income with confidence and from a pure, solid place
  • Have a solid business plan in place for the next 6 months
  • Amazing support and accountability to keep you focused, motivated, and to keep you in motion towards your goals.
  • …and much much more!

Ready to find out if this is perfect for you? Click on the “Game Changer Private Coaching” and “The Elite Mentorship Experience” tab to learn more and then apply for the level that feels like your best fit! Please note: I am only opening up 5 spots for the Elite Level at this time. I can’t wait to consider your application.

Game Changer Private Coaching

The Ignite Your Passionate Practice Game Changer Coaching Includes:

  • 18 Private, One-on-One Coaching Calls (3 per month for 6 months, 50 minutes each)– Get clear, tailor-made, and strategic direction on your next steps for your business. On these calls, we’ll work on whatever is up for you and your business and get it done! Create your business plan, your packages, launches, or get insight on how to effectively and masterfully coach your clients in real time. These calls will also keep you motivated and get you “unstuck” when you start to stop yourself. Wherever you need my help, I got you!

The Elite Mentoring Experience

The Ignite Your Passionate Practice Elite Mentorship is for the fully-committed coach who knows that he/she is READY to up-level their lives and businesses in a bold, powerful way. At this level, there is a heavy focus one-on-one private mentoring and support to accelerate your growth and implementation, guaranteeing to catapult your success. You will have me in your corner every step of the way. Beyond just weekly calls, we’ll actually create a business plan and vision for your business. In addition, I’ll share with you my best coaching techniques and strategies…much more than business coaching, I provide you with true mentorship around the art, science, and skill of masterful coaching. The Elite Mentorship Includes:

  • 18 Private, One-on-One Coaching Calls (3 per month for 6 months, 50 minutes each)– Get clear, tailor-made, and strategic direction on your next steps for your business. Create your successful business plan, your packages, launches, or get insight on how to effectively and masterfully coach your clients in real time. These calls will also keep you motivated and get you “unstuck” when you start to stop yourself. Wherever you need my help, I got you!
  • Two Half-Day VIP “Marketing Mastery Breakthrough Sessions” With Anita- At the beginning of your training, you’ll spend 3 hours with me by phone or skype to lay out your personal business plan, income goals, and marketing strategy. You’ll also have time to dig deep and see where you currently stop yourself (aka your limiting beliefs) so you can let these pieces go to build your business from a success-only mindset. You’ll also have another half day intensive in your last month of coaching to wrap up any loose ends so you feel confident in your next phase of coaching and business.


  • Invitation to The Pleasure Path Retreat in Lucca, Italy- September 15-22, 2018. There is no better way to experience the power of coaching than full immersion….and a retreat is a creative, adventure-filled, and pleasurable way to do just that. And who doesn’t want to go to Italy? I’ve included this retreat as part of the elite package so you can experience the magic of this retreat as both a student of coaching and as client. To learn more about the Pleasure Path Retreat, please visit HERE.
    • Six “S.O.S.” Additional Private Coaching Sessions With Anita– Let’s face it. Sometimes we are in a pickle, can’t figure it out ourselves, or need a boost…and sometimes it can’t wait a week. That’s why Private Platinum members can schedule these 20-minute sessions as needed for additional coaching time around launches, coaching challenges, teleseminars, marketing, or just a plain old “I need a belief-boosting pep talk”. These calls are here when you need ’em most!
    • Money Mindset Reframe Training Intensive- FACT: If you want to truly be a successful health coach who brings in a lucrative income and is able to keep growing his/her business, you MUST rethink your current money beliefs. This is a BIG one that your nutrition or coaching training probably spent little to no time teaching you and it is ESSENTIAL to your success. I’ll lead you through a Money Mindset Reframe Intensive that will allow you to lovingly let go of the money story that is keeping you blocked and replace it with a new, powerful one that will allow you to bring in the income you desire…and deserve!


NOTE: Openings are available for 6 month mentorship (Elite and Game Changer). All interested applicants should complete their application ASAP. Special discount for those who pay their investment in full. Please also note there are only 2 spots available in the Elite Level.