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How often should I eat??

Lately, many of my clients have been asking me this simple (yet in many ways complex) question:
“How often should I eat?”

They have become entirely confused by the conflicting messages out there in the health industry:
– eat every 3 hours
– make sure to intermittent fast
– eat 3 square meals a day

…just to name a few.

Today, I’m giving you my number one answer and if you can begin to follow this, you will be taking a big step towards developing lasting body wisdom and body confidence.

In the comments below, let me know how this resonated with you. Do you follow a very regimented plan regarding meal frequency? Do you find it difficult or simple to follow your body’s cues for hunger?

And if you liked this video/post, don’t be shy!! Share it with your friends or on social media!
Let’s help to empower one another around greater body wisdom and self-trust.

Lots of love,

2 comments…read them below or… add one
  • Katrina Sanchez

    Loved this post!!!!!! I hear so much back and forth with it, makes sense and makes me more mindful rather than concerned about it. Thank you!!!!