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Book a Session

Find the answers within you. Discover how Tarot + Spiritual Life Coaching can help you unlock the guidance and insight you seek.

Here’s what you need to know before you book:

My style: I am an intuitive tarot reader with a strong background, certifications in, and years of experience in coaching. My goal is not to just lay down the cards, interpret the meaning, and send you on your way. Rather, I strive to make the session empowering, putting you in the driver’s seat, and offer my coaching expertise in addition to reading the cards so you have clear confidence in your next steps.

What you need to bring to a session: In order to have the best experience possible, come to your session with an open mind, a willingness to share, and a desire to be empowered.

Who is not a good match for my work:
Those who are trying to “test” me to see if I am psychic, unwilling to take action, or are not willing to have open rapport during a reading will not have the best experience. The best readings happen when the client and the reader/coach can speak honestly and openly.

How do my sessions work: Currently, I exclusively do phone sessions. You can schedule either a 30 minute or a 60 minute session with me. A 30 minute session allows us to take a quick overall look at your current situation and delve into one particular issue/question. A 60 minute session is perfect if you are looking to have numerous questions answered, or are dealing with a situation that requires a deeper dive. My goal is to leave with you tools and insights you can use immediately to move you forward in a positive direction as well as reveal any hidden elements that you may not be aware of.

What are the prices of my sessions: A 30 minute session is $50. A 60 minute session is $95.

How to prepare for a session: Make sure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed or interrupted. Come with an empowering question in mind. For example, “Will he come back to me?” doesn’t put you in the driver’s seat of your life. However, “What are the best steps to take in my relationship with ____?” will give you insight to make the decisions that are right for you. Make sure your phone is charged, you have a notepad ready, and most of all, give yourself the gift of a special time carved out just for you.

Ready to book?

Amazing! I’m so ready to connect with you and help guide you!

Follow these next steps and you are good to go!
• Booking a 30 minute session? Schedule Appointment

• Booking a 60 minute session? Schedule Appointment

• Once you have booked your session, check your inbox for a short questionnaire to ensure you have the best experience possible.

Still have questions? I will do my best to answer them! Send an email to Anita@anitaavalos.com, and I’ll get back to you!

With Love,